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User - An individual that was on your site at any one time
New User - An individual that was on your site who has never visited previously
Page view - An instance when any user visited any page on your site
Average Session Duration - The average amount of time a user spends on your site
Pages Per Session - The average number of pages a user visits on your site during a single session
Bounce rate - The percentage of sessions that end with a user 'bouncing' straight off the first page they visit without engaging with the page in any way
Impression - An instance where an ad is shown to a user
Clicks - The number of times an ad has been clicked on by a user
Click Through Rate (CTR) - The rate at which an ad has been clicked, measured against the number of times in has been shown
Engagement - Any time a user has interacted with an ad or post. This might include clicking, liking, retweeting, expanding an image, commenting or sharing
Organic - Traffic that has not come from a paid source. It also refers to posts which have not been promoted or boosted by any budget.